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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Friday, February 16, 2007

Smartest kid on the planet!

At Alivia's 18 month appointment the doctor said we could start thinking about potty training. We bought her a potty chair probably about 6 months ago. Its a wood chair with a magazine rack and a toilet paper holder-only the best for my kid!! It's been in her room and she uses it for a step-stool!! So last night, she needed her diaper changed and I had to go potty, so I thought, well, let's give it a shot and see how it goes. I brought the chair into the bathroom, took off her diaper and pants and sat her on the chair, I did my business and then I hear the sound of tinkles in her chair! SHE WENT POTTY!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. We threw a bit fit, telling her what a big girl she was and clapping. We emptied the chair and I said ok let's put your diaper back on. She said "NO!" She sat down and went potty-AGAIN!!!! This happened two more times!!!! She's a potty-machine!! I can't wait to try again tonight and see if it was a fluke or not.

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