About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

brush of bad luck....

Yesterday at work, the operating system that I do everything through wasn't working right, it was going very slow and then would go down completely. So by 3:00 I had enough and called it a day. I was excited to go home though because I had gone earlier in the day to trade my cable box for the new DVR box. I've been wanting DVR forever. So I thought, ok well I'll just go home and get that all set up. When I got home I started to try to figure it out and wasn't having much luck. The only thing I had was..the box...a cable with 5 plugs on each end...and the remote. That's it...no book...nothing. So Here I am standing behind the big screen with plugs coming out of everywhere. So I got the cordless phone and called charter. When I finally got through to the right people they put me on hold...then my cordless phone died. And of course this whole time, Alivia is trying to come behind the tv too and then she wanted some milk and she's yelling my name the whole time i'm trying to do this. So I figured I would just wait till Rob got home and he could mess with it. Then I started to open the mail and saw a credit card bill, I called them up and here was the conversation after 10 minutes on hold (again, alivia calling my name and telling me to hold her babies and whatever else)

me: Hi, I just got a bill for a credit card that I cancelled
mean credit card lady: Yes I see you cancelled your account was paid off on april 27th and cancelled on May 1st.
me: Yes and I received a refund check for the overpayment.
her: Yes, How can I help you
me: Well I paid this off, received a refund check, cancelled the account and I just got a bill for $11
her: Yes, you actually shouldn't have received that check, that was a mistake, your balance is $11
me: Well, since I just paid you guys $5700 do you think you could waive the $11 since the account is cancelled
her: no, ma'am I'm not able to do that at this time
me: Can I speak to a supervisor
her: I'm an account manager.....
me: So I just paid this off and got a refund check and you can't waive the $11
her: you only paid back money you borrowed from us ma'am
me: I just think you should waive this since I received a refund check and cancelled it. It's $11
her: Yes, Ma'am it's $11

I wanted to cuss her out but I just couldn't do it. I wish Amber would have been at my house I would have handed her the phone and let her handle it!!! So then, we leave the house because yesterday was Bryan's birthday and we went out to eat. On the way there, we passed a car on the side of the road with a flat tire, Rob told me to stop because he wanted to help them. We stopped the car and when Rob got out of the car, his cell phone dropped into a sewer that was on the side of the road!!! He went to help the people and got back into the car and started rubbing his head and cussing about dropping his phone into the sewer and looked down and he had black stuff (from the tire) all over his hands and had wiped it all over his face and head.

him: Where are some baby wipes at?
me:....................I don't have any....
him: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?

We managed to find ONE kleenex for him to clean off with. He was so devestated all through dinner about his phone. He just kept saying "I can't believe I lost my phone, I can't believe I lost all my numbers"

We had a nice dinner and went to the mall afterwards to get a new SIM card so I think everything is going better today. Hopefully......

Thursday, May 24, 2007

privacy anyone...

As everyone knows once you have a child, you have no privacy-there's no such thing. My daughter has had quite the imagination lately. She is playing with babies and I bought her a stroller to push them around in, she feeds them and wraps them in blankets, it's the cutest thing. She reminds me alot of myself when I was a kid, she is very motherly and VERY bossy. She made me lay down on the floor of her room last night on a blanket and on a pillow and read books to her. I would start to read a book and she would lay down next to me and after she was over the book I was reading she would get up, rip it out of my hands, put it back on the shelf and hand me a new one, this went on for quite awhile--until american idol came on. I got up and told her I was going into the living room to watch tv and she started patting the blanket and SCREAMING "LAY DOWN MOMMY, LAY DOWN!!" I moved the blanket and pillow into the living room and she was ok with it. She makes me hug her babies and hold them and feed them. As you know, we are re-doing our bathroom in our bedroom. We have been using the bathroom in the hallway to take showers, I leave the bathroom door open while I'm in the shower so she can sit in there and play or whatever she wants to do. Most mornings, she will sit on the toilet and play with the brushes that are on the back of the tank. This morning she set this up while I was in the shower:

She laid a blanket over the toilet, brought the stroller into the bathroom, and was sitting on the toilet feeding her baby-she cracks me up. This bathroom is pretty small anyway and was pretty hard to get out of the shower with all of this going on-it was too cute though.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Texas here I come

Rob has been telling me for a few weeks that his work was going to send him to Texas for some kind of training class. The other night I got to thinking....they are paying for his flight and his room. Maybe I can get a semi-paid for vacation out of this. So I mentioned it to him and then we figured out that we wouldn't have to pay for a plane ticket for Alivia because she's under two. So we decided that we would all go and make a vacation out of it!! I'm so excited, my plane ticket was under $200 and the rental car was about $150, there is no charge for Alivia to fly, the flight is under two hours....this just keeps getting better and better. Her and I will get to hang out and do things during the day and then we can do family stuff at night. I'm really excited. We'll be gone 3 nights. I did a search of things to do in Ft. Worth and apparantly story telling is a big thing in that city. I think we will do that one day, and they have a zoo of course so we will probably check that out. I can't wait!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Just another Weekend at the White House...

Rob and I had such a nice weekend. Friday we went to Amber and Bryan's for a BBQ, Saturday morning my mom and my Aunt graduated from SCCCC, after the ceremony we went to Wilikers for lunch. Rob and I went shopping Saturday night, we were out of almost everything so that was a very expensive trip, but fun. Sunday we went to breakfast with my mom and dad, then to dinner at his mom's. When we got home we decided to rip out the bathroom!!! Heck, why not. Our bathroom was old when we moved in our house 5 years ago. Here are some before and after. I was a little nervous when he started ripping everything out because I just wasn't ready, but i'm pretty excited now. It only took two hours to rip everything out. We are going to replace the drywall too because it's in pretty bad shape.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

just plain scary.....


The picture on the top is AMBER!!!! The picture on the bottom is ALIVIA!!!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

some many things going on....

Rob and I went to springfield last weekend and had a REALLY nice time. Amber and Bryan got all moved into their new house, it's really cute and they love it. I'm still finding their stuff all over the place though!! I'm making a big pile in the basement for them. So now our basement is completely empty and we're trying to figure out what we want to do with it. I would really love to get new carpet but who knows. I just got off the phone with my sister in law marsha, she had her baby this morning at 8, his name is aidan wyatt, he weighs 7'2 and is 20 inches long. She is down in Perryville so I think I will go see her this weekend. That was the last of the baby epidemic, noone else is pregnant-for now!! Work has been really busy which is really good for me!! Rob decided that he wanted to start working out so we went jogging last night. I'm a little sore today. We have people coming over tomorrow to look at our air conditioner. I swear, we can never just turn on the air or the heat, it's always something. Thank god we have a home warranty so we don't have to pay that much out of our pocket but still, It's been 90 degrees outside the last few days and it's about 80 in my house. I'm hoping the just replace the whole stupid thing, i'm tired of dealing with it!! Rachel and I are going to a trivia night saturday at her "church" we need more people so if you're interested please let me know asap!!!