About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Husband in Training

I dred holidays, birthday's and occasions with Rob. He is the type of guy that waits until the VERY last minute to buy a gift for an occasion. The gift is NEVER wrapped and always has very little thought behind it. I am such the opposite of that so usually I am very dissapointed when/if I get a gift from Rob. Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary. After 7 years of this I try not to get too excited when something comes up that warrants a gift. The other thing is that if he does get a gift he tries to make me think that he didn't get me anything until I am at the point of tears and then he brings out the gift-not sure why this is so amusing. So yesterday I get home and I hand him my gift to him. ( A card and a portable satelite radio) So he says to me " I can't find my wallet, are you mad" So I say " It's always something isn't it?" and he says " Well, I did get you choc cov strawberries, they're in the fridge" I'm pretty excited by this point. It's not much but I do love me some choc cov strawberries. Then he proceeds with " I really have no idea where my wallet is and I didn't have much money so that's all I could get you today-is that ok" I told him that was fine, so then I guess when the game wasn't going his way he decided not to play it anymore, he went into the bedroom and pulled out two boxes, one had a small ruby ring (alivia's birthstone) and heart shaped earrings to match-he said that was to make up for the mother's day fiasco (that's another story!!) So all in all he did very well and we had a very nice dinner at the melting pot. After he gave me the boxes he said " I really didn't get you a card though" I wonder if I will be able to have him completely trained by our 10th wedding anniversary!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

2nd Anniversary!

Today is our second wedding anniversary. And actually we got married on our 5 year anniversary so technically, today is our 7th anniversary. It doesn't seem that long!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Jury Duty

A few weeks ago I had the privilige of attending Jury Duty. I was kinda excited just because I had never done it before and was looking forward to the experience. So, I get there at 8:30 just like I'm supposed to and we sat in a room until 10:00. They finally called us into the courtroom and then asked us about 100 questions. Finally at 3:45 they pick the jury. I was juror #12!!! As soon as you get selected you go right up in your seat and court begins. We were there until about 6 that night. When we left that night they told us we couldn't discuss the case with anyone and we couldn't look anything up on the internet about the case. Suprisingly enough, I sort of listened. I didn't look it up on the internet. So the next day we go back in at 9 and we are there until 7 that night. We did find him guilty on two counts of burglary. The defense didn't have any case except to say " The state doesn't have any evidence beyond a reasonable doubt" The guy never said a word and we had so many questions that weren't answered by either side. And they say, if you aren't sure then you have to rule in honor of the defense. That's easier said than done. It's funny because when we were listening to all of the evidence you wonder what the other jurors are thinking-because you can't talk to them about the case until after you hear all of the eviendence. When we were excused to deliberate it was clear that everyone was thinking the same way that I was-HE IS SO GUILTY!! It only took us about 20 minutes to reach a decision: When I got home that night I looked up his name on the internet and here's what I found:

06/30/94- 3 counts of 2nd degree burglary
03/02/02-seat belt
04/14/02-child seat belt
10/18/02-seat belt
10/18/02-material on windshield
12/30/02-seat belt
12/30/02-material on windshield
09/12/03-seat belt
11/21/03-seat belt
12/23/03-seat belt
08/08/04-littering 2 counts
10/02/04-tresspassing 2nd degree
07/14/05-unauthorized oper a motor veh
07/19/05-seat belt
08/02/05-2 counts burglary 2nd degree
12/17/05-passing bad check

Isn't that nuts!! After it was all said and done I was glad that I hadn't looked on the internet before we made our decision. I think he was supposed to do 15 years for that burglary back in 1994-that would explain why he wasn't in trouble again until 01. His sentencing is next monday-I can't wait to see what he gets! And you would think that this was a kid right-nope-he's 41-what an idiot!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jobs are good

So, about two weeks ago I get a phone call that I've gotten a few too many times. "Honey, I quit my job, but it wasn't my fault!!" Rob, gotta love him. My husband is a very talented painter and he knows it. Every other time that he has gotten mad and quit his job-he had something lined up. Well, this time he didn't. I didn't freak out or yell at him because like I said EVERY OTHER TIME he had something lined up. I'm always ok until he starts freaking out. He has applied at every place you can think of and talked to every one that he knows-noone is hiring right now. So we're starting to get a little worried. Luckily, he's had a few small side jobs, that has helped out and he's got another one lined up for next week so that will buy some more time. Each time he does this he learns a valuable lesson-He has come so far in so many areas since I met him 7 years ago. He actually sent an apology letter to the company that he quit after working there for 5 years. I couldn't believe it!!!!! It's funny though because I didn't quit my job-I go to work every day but I can't go to Target anytime I want to now-What's up with that!!! I guess that's what marriage is all about though. So if anyone has a car that they need fixed or painted get ahold of me!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Fad Diet Month 2 update

Today I weighed in for the second month and I lost 3 more pounds. This last month was not very productive. But, I have lost a total of 14 pounds. 28 more days to go. I need to get back on track-I'm such a cheater! I can't help it, I love food too much!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

1st Birthday

Here are some pictures from Alivia and Jack's first bday parties

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ms Popularity

Alivia & Jack
Alivia is going to a new babysitter now because our old sitter went back to work-I was not happy about that! It seems to be working out well though-she's very popular!! I dropped her off today and one of the mom's came in to drop off her daughter and said "there's your baby" (talking about alivia) she said "That's how I wake her up in the morning, telling her she needs to get up and get ready to go see Alivia" I thought that was funny, yesterday when I picked her up I walked in and some other mom was holding Alivia. Then the sitter told me that one of the little boys kisses her all day. I'm not sure how I feel about that but it seems cute enough. I hope this isn't the start of a much bigger problem!!!!!!