About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Livy's 2nd Play Date

Here are some pictures from our second play date.
First picture is Brayden, then Alivia's cousin Austin, Alena, Jack and Davin

Monday, February 20, 2006

More Alivia Stories

Rob and I were laying in bed yesterday morning listening to Alivia through the baby monitor. She was talking and growling as she usually does. Then we started hearing this really strange noise. I went into her room and she was laying on her back, holding the monitor and licking it. So I took it from her, and brought her into our room. Later that day, I laid her down for a nap, I went in there a few minutes later to check on her and she was playing with the monitor again, so before she strangeled herself with the cord, I decided that it was time to move the monitor across the room. As many of you know, this child is 7 months old and hasn't laughed yet. I got one chuckle out of her last night as I was acting like a complete maniac. It was really cute but I really hope I don't have to act like that every time I want her to laugh! I've discovered that when I became a mom I lost all my cool. I was in Walmart last week and I wanted to get Alivia a new Baby Einstein movie for Valentines Day. There was noone else in the aisle with us so I put the movie in the cart and said "Livy, don't look, it's a present for Valentines Day". When I looked up there was a woman standing there looking at me like I was retarded. It was pretty funny.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

He's at it again...

I came home yesterday to find a note on my mailbox. I assumed it could only be from one person and I was right, it was from my crazy neighbor. As I mentioned in my previous post, we are in a homeowners association. None of us paid the dues last year because we were trying to figure everything out and the people that are running it have 5 kids so they're a little busy! Well the note yesterday said that we were 1 year and 30 days late on our 2004 dues and 30 days late on our 2005 dues and there was a lein on our house. Everyone on the street got the same note not just us. Let me just remind you that this crazy man is NOT IN OUR ASSOCIATION!!! So, my sane neighbor called a real estate person and she was told we all need to sign a note saying that we don't want Mr. Crazy to have anything to do with the association and that should take care of it legally, I'm sure we'll always have to deal with him but at least legally we'll be covered. I really just want to go down and knock on his door and tell him to GET A LIFE AND MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Beth's first day at H&R Block

Rob and I went to do our taxes at H&R Block on monday night. We got there at 4:30 because Rob had to bowl at 6:30. We thought an hour and a half would be plenty of time. Little did we know that we would we working with Beth, I believe it was her first day working at H&R Block. Beth had on a tan blazer, blue polyester pants, man shoes and a man watch. It took her 2 1/2 hours to enter our forms into the computer. At many times during this we had to tell her where to enter certain things into the computer!! Rob had to leave there at 6:00 to go bowling so I was left there by myself. I finally left at 7:15. Before I left she wanted to have her manager review our return, she told us that we owed state $1,500. After the manager reviewed the return, we owed state $378. I was so frustrated by the time I left there. I couldn't believe it!! She was very sweet but I really didn't need her to read every box of every return out loud and ask us about every box on the computer screen. I think next year we will go back to turbo tax!!!