About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

some many things going on....

Rob and I went to springfield last weekend and had a REALLY nice time. Amber and Bryan got all moved into their new house, it's really cute and they love it. I'm still finding their stuff all over the place though!! I'm making a big pile in the basement for them. So now our basement is completely empty and we're trying to figure out what we want to do with it. I would really love to get new carpet but who knows. I just got off the phone with my sister in law marsha, she had her baby this morning at 8, his name is aidan wyatt, he weighs 7'2 and is 20 inches long. She is down in Perryville so I think I will go see her this weekend. That was the last of the baby epidemic, noone else is pregnant-for now!! Work has been really busy which is really good for me!! Rob decided that he wanted to start working out so we went jogging last night. I'm a little sore today. We have people coming over tomorrow to look at our air conditioner. I swear, we can never just turn on the air or the heat, it's always something. Thank god we have a home warranty so we don't have to pay that much out of our pocket but still, It's been 90 degrees outside the last few days and it's about 80 in my house. I'm hoping the just replace the whole stupid thing, i'm tired of dealing with it!! Rachel and I are going to a trivia night saturday at her "church" we need more people so if you're interested please let me know asap!!!

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