About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I found out I was pregnant with Alivia the day after thanksgiving in 2004. Since we were trying again this fall, I just KNEW that I would find out I was pregnant the day after thanksgiving again, i mean why not??? Well that day came and I took a test and it was negative--i didn't believe it so later in the day I took another and again, negative i was slightly disappointment especially when my sister in law found out she was pregnant that day and then later in the day I found out my cousin and his wife were pregnant!!! I figured my time would come and i just needed to be patient. Well last night I still wasn't feeling confident about the test I took last Friday so i stopped and bought another. I went home and took it and the indicator line was faint. I wasn't sure what to think so I took another this morning, again the line was there but was kinda light so my sister talked me into taking a digital test (which, by the way, are by far the coolest tests!) and it popped up and said PREGNANT!!!!!!! YEA!!! I should be due around Aug 5th. With alivia, i was due on Aug 4th and had her July 16!

1 comment:

The Lenk Family said...

Congrats, I'm sooo excited! There are going to be babies all over the place again!