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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stay away!!

A week and a half ago I got a call from my babysitter at 12:00 saying that Jacob (her son) just threw up all over the place and the kids needed to be picked up. I was with two new agents and couldn't get away. My wonderful sister who doesn't work saved the day and went to pick Alivia up from the babysitter. That evening the babysitter called and said Jacob needed to stay away from the kids for another day. Oh Great, So I called my sister and she agreeed to watch her for me. On thursday everything was back to normal. On Friday morning my cell phone rings at 7:30. This can't be good. It was the babysitter, she had been throwing up all morning! Oh great, so I call my sister AGAIN!! She, however, had to take my nephew to the doctor and wouldn't be able to watch Alivia. Oh Great-now what. So, I called my mother who was in route to work. She accepted immediatly!! On sunday night the babysitter was on the answering machine and I thought PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!! But, she was calling to let us know that everyone was better and she would see us on Monday. In the middle of the night Sunday, I threw up. Are you kidding me??? So, Monday I stayed home from work. Now today is thursday and Rob is at home sick. Ok, that's enough! I'm over it!!


The Lenk Family said...

I threw up in the middle of the night on Tuesday, and Alex did it last week. There must be something going around. At least it doesn't last long.

Mindy said...

Ugh - that stinks! Doug and Lilly seem to get it every time it goes around! BLAH!!