About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Monday, January 30, 2006

More Hats

As you can see, she really was not paying too much attention to me..she thinks I'm nuts, I don't know why!

Livy of a thousand hats!

I realize that I have too much free time, but this was lots of fun!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Teeth and New Tricks

Alivia has 2 teeth now!! They're so cute! She also has a few new tricks, the first one is in the bathtub. We have a seat that sits in the bathtub and I usually fill the tub up so that it's right below her ears. Well now she will turn her head very slowly to the side and put half of her face under water with her eyes open! She will sit still for a minute and then lift her head up really quick. It's the funniest thing. Then she will do the other side of her face. She also loves to splash!! The second trick is while she is getting dressed. As if it's not hard enough to get a 6 month old baby dressed, now, when I put her shirt on she will grab a part of the inside of the sleeve and make a fist so that I can't get her arm through the shirt. She's a funny girl!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Daddy Time

I bowl on Thursday nights and every other Sunday night. Rob "babysits" while I am gone. He is so good with Alivia but I just never know what I will come home to! A few weeks ago, I came home after bowling and I went in to peek at her and see what state she was in! She was in her bed with the shirt that she wore all day, a bib, no pants and socks. Also in her bed were the wipes and a hanger!! All I can do is laugh and put her back together! Last weekend I worked for a few hours and when I came home she was wearing the outfit that her daddy bought her for xmas that he is very proud of. For Christmas, Rob bought his daughter a onesie that says "My dad can kick your dad's ass" and yes it says ASS!!! Not to mention that it is black! He wanted her to wear it on CHRISTMAS DAY!! I said absolutely not. He said, "well, then when can she wear it?" I said she could wear it some day when we were at home and not going anywhere! I hung it in the way back of her closet! Well, when I came home last weekend, she had that on, no pants and no socks. Last night I came home at 10 (now keep in mind her bedtime is at 8) Rob was asleep on the couch, the TV was a big blue screen and Alivia was in her swing, asleep, same clothes, one sock. So again, I just laugh to myself and get her ready for bed. I can only imagine what will happen when she is older and can walk and crawl and Rob watches her for the night!! She'll probably be asleep under the kitchen table or something! At least she is happy and unharmed when I get home!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Livy's first play date

Last Saturday was Alivia's first play date at Alena's house. The top picture is of course Alivia then Amber & Brayden, then all 5 babies (Lexy, Alena, Jack, Alivia & Brayden). Then Kim & Lexy, then Jenny & Jack and then Rachel & Alena. We had lots of fun even though Alivia slept through most of it!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stay away!!

A week and a half ago I got a call from my babysitter at 12:00 saying that Jacob (her son) just threw up all over the place and the kids needed to be picked up. I was with two new agents and couldn't get away. My wonderful sister who doesn't work saved the day and went to pick Alivia up from the babysitter. That evening the babysitter called and said Jacob needed to stay away from the kids for another day. Oh Great, So I called my sister and she agreeed to watch her for me. On thursday everything was back to normal. On Friday morning my cell phone rings at 7:30. This can't be good. It was the babysitter, she had been throwing up all morning! Oh great, so I call my sister AGAIN!! She, however, had to take my nephew to the doctor and wouldn't be able to watch Alivia. Oh Great-now what. So, I called my mother who was in route to work. She accepted immediatly!! On sunday night the babysitter was on the answering machine and I thought PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!! But, she was calling to let us know that everyone was better and she would see us on Monday. In the middle of the night Sunday, I threw up. Are you kidding me??? So, Monday I stayed home from work. Now today is thursday and Rob is at home sick. Ok, that's enough! I'm over it!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Cranks

So I'm sure you've all heard me talk about my neighbors usually I refer to them as "the crazies" We bought our house from them and they built a house two doors down from us-lucky us! The first day we looked at our house I asked her if I could use the bathroom, she said "why not, everyone else does" and she wasn't joking. Nice-huh! So we looked through the house and fell in love. We put a contract on it and later that night the contract was excepted. Not only were these people selling their house but they actually were the listing agent too-whatever. So when my agent was on the phone with "Mr. Crank" talking about the offer, "Mrs. Crank" was in the background screaming at him. My real estate agent couldn't believe it. So they accepted our offer and we had just bought ourselves a house! When we went to do the inspection on the house, Mrs. Crank told us to take our shoes off! The house had hard wood floors but whatever. We did it. I guess she had to leave to go somewhere while we were still there so she yelled outside "I need to leave and someone is blocking me in!!" We couldn't believe it, are you kidding me, we are buying your house and you are treating us this way? We figured she was upset about the great deal we got and was taking it out on us. So we moved in and everything was great. Mr. Crank seemed nice enough at the time. Boy were we wrong. We found out that Mr. Crank was extremely anal and had no life other than to pick on his neighbors. He was acting like a landlord running a trailor park or something. He wanted our trash cans placed in a certain place on the road and GOD FORBID if you didn't move your trash can THE MINUTE it was picked up by the trash company. Every tuesday was like a treasure hunt-he would actually move our trash can to our house!!!! Sometimes he would put it in the driveway, sometimes he would put in behind the house. A few times the trash can "mysteriously" disappeared and was no where to be found. I had to actually have the trash company bring another can to us. It was ridiculous. One day he threw a fit and tossed the trash can down our other neighbors hill. So by this point we knew that they were both NUTS!!!! It gets better, we live on a private street and we are in a homeowners association. Mr Crank was in charge of the association when we first lived there. Well one day he decided that he wasn't going to be in it anymore, withdrew all of the money from the account and gave us all our share, we picked another neighbor to be in charge of the account and the association. Well then Mr. Crank decided that he DID want to be in the assocation. We said NO WAY. Then he wanted full control back and we said NO. Then he came to our house and asked us if we would give him proof that everyone had paid the dues. HE WASN'T IN THE ASSOCIATION!! Then he sent us a bill for $800 saying that we owed it to him and if we didn't pay he would sue us. GO AHEAD YOU CRAZY BASTARD!! Well he never did. Last year they put a for sale sign in their yard-all of the neighbors were so excited. Then the sign came down, then the sign went back up, this went on for a few weeks. Was he just messing with us?? Who knows, but they still live there. I just drive past their house now and I don't even acknowledge them, I think this makes them even more mad. They need to get a life and stop meddling in everyone's business!