About Me
- Amy
- I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia
Friday, December 28, 2007
A Xmas story...
Earlier that morning, I had gone online and purchased 6 tickets to sesame street live. When I got the confirmation back I realized it had the wrong day on it so I had to call and change it, well of course they couldn't just change it, they had to cancel that order and do a new one, so my credit card was going to be charged two times for the same thing and then a credit would show up later.
When I got off work I went to walmart. I loaded up my cart trying to remember everything I needed to get. I stood in line, loaded all my stuff on the belt and then swiped my card...the girl looked at me and said "it didn't charge" i said "what do you mean" she said "it doesn't say declined it just says it didn't charge, try it again" so i did and the same thing happened and she says "are you sure you have enough on there" and to that i say "of course it does i checked it before I got here, i will call them and see what the problem is" so she bagged up all of my stuff and i stood at the end of the register, completely humiliated and called my credit card company. of course there is a line behind me that heard every thing that was going on. i got ahold of my credit card people and they said "are you trying to make a purchase at walmart" and i said "um, yea that's why i'm calling, what's going on" she said "did you make two purchases this morning for sesame street live" i said "yes" she said "well we just wanted to make sure it was you and that your card hadnt gotten stolen, we'll remove the block" i'm thinking, hey, that's a great idea!! so the guy that was standing behind me is buying a ton of gloves and long underwear, he leans over to me, taps me on the arm and said "is your card going to work" i said "yes they just wanted to make sure it was me because i made a big purchase this morning" and he said "well if it doesn't go through i will pay for your stuff" i said "no way, it will be fine, thank you though" he said " i will be more than happy to, i don't mind, it will be my merry xmas to you" (my total was $380 and he knew that!!!!) i couldn't believe that he offered to do that, it really touched me, and he wasn't creepy or anything, he was a very nice looking older guy. he said that he was buying all of the gloves and long underwear for homeless people in st louis!! his total was $580. He was swiping his card and said to me "don't go anywhere, if my card doesn't work i will need to use yours!!" of course he was kidding. I thought that was the coolest thing every, of course I could never accept anything like that but it was really cool that he was ready to pay if I wasn't able to.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
me: Liv, don't put your mouth on that, it's yucky. Just drink the water.
the other little girl: it's ok you can put your mouth on there (talking to liv)
liv: i need to get a drink
me: that's fine, just don't put your mouth on there
little girl : i put my mouth on there
me: well that's yucky, because if another little kid puts their mouth on there and they are sick then you will get sick too
little girl : but i'm already sick!!
what could i say?!?
then this morning, we were getting in the car and my neighbors are having some landscaping doen, there were a bunch of workers in her yard. alivia yells "hey boy, whachudoing?" lucky her voice is about as loud as a mouse so they didn't hear her but it was funny
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
super busy weekend
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
It's rough being two...
So, We're potty training. Daycare is working with Alivia alot and she's wearing pull ups now. The only problem is that she wants to go potty every 5 minutes. She was in the bathroom almost all night last night. This picture is of her sitting on her potty chair with her feet up, life is rough. She's doing pretty well, she had "big girl panties" on for about an hour last night with no accidents, although I don't know how there could have been since she was in the bathroom for most of that time.
Amber watched alivia on sunday night while me and rob were at bowling. Her and brayden had alot of fun together. Amber had laid sheets over her kitchen table to make them a fort. She said they sat under the table and ate spiderman cheese it's for like an hour-giggling the whole time!! When we came to pick her up, amber was just getting them out of the bathtub. Alivia came running past me down the hall into the living room where bryan and rob were sitting on the couch. She dropped her towel, held her arms out and said "TA DA!!" I was dying, Rob and Bryan were just kinda like "um, yea, ok" I don't know where she gets this stuff from, but she cracks me up.
Monday night, we were sitting at the dinner table and she had a baby doll tucked under her arm while she was eating. Out of nowhere, she pulls the babys head up by it's hair, gets in the baby's face and says "don't tell me no!" she looked at rob and said "baby need nose in corner" so she proceeded to get up, and put the baby in the corner she came back and said "her not tell me no" Rob told her to go back and get her baby and tell her to be a good girl and give her a hug.
I got her xmas present from santa yesterday from Toys R Us. It's the disney princess magical talking nursery. It's awesome. It's a crib, swing and changing table. I can't wait to give it to her, she's going to love it!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Alivia's vocabulary grows and grows every day, I can't believe some of the things she says and comes up with. Yesterday morning in the car she was talking to me and I guess I didn't respond to her fast enough and she said "MOMMY? I talkin to you" Last night, she wanted me to open the front door so she could go outside to my car and go bye bye and she wanted me to stay home and watch her baby. She handed me her doll and said "Watch me baby, her be good" "I haf a go to yerk" This went on and on. She was makin me nuts. Then in the bath tub she informed me that she needed to hurry up because "maw maw pickin me up little bit" She is so independent and has such an imagination. She is such a neat kid.
So we are going to tunica after we do thanksgiving at my mom's on thursday. We will stay there until sunday. we are going to go to graceland while we are in the area. Kelly and I went to graceland before but george will be with us this time. Elvis is george's idol, so i'm sure it will be a different experience with him there. Today is kelly's birthday and we are going to dinner at the boat i think. Alivia and I have had ALOT of quality time so I'm looking forward to a night out!!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Are you aware that you are in public?!?
I'm glad she wasn't looking at me when she said that because my eyes got huge and my mouth dropped!! I couldn't believe she said that to a child that young. I see serious issues in that family's future......
Monday, October 22, 2007
1. The bandage was wound around the wound.
2. The farm was used to produce produce.
3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4. We must polish the Polish furniture.
5. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum
9. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10. I did not object to the object.
11. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13. They were too close to the door to close it.
14. The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17. The wind was too strong to wind the sail
18. After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear
20. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests
21. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France (Surprise!).
Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
Quicksand works slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? Doesn't it seem crazy that you Can make amends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? Is it an odd, or an end?If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up and down at the same time and, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which, an alarm goes off by going on. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway. English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And while we're at it, why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"?
Monday, October 08, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
The neverending birthday
This weekend is going to be another busy one. I have to work Saturday, then I have a birthday party then a bon fire. On Sunday, I am taking Alivia to see Rob's Grandpa in DeSoto. I think I have a party Friday night too, who knows. It's always something!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Happy 30th Birthday Rob!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A new found independence
Last night she was in bed and we were going through the normal routine and then she said "get away me, mommy" WHAT IS HAPPENING?!? all of a sudden she is 2 and doesn't want me around!! Well, that's not true all of the time but I'm not sure I like it!! I told her it hurt my feelings when she said that to me and she said "go bye bye" I think this is the beginning of something very bad.......
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Typical day in the life of Rob White
10:30 AM Call to Wife: "Can you look on the internet and see if you can find any places hiring painters"
11:00 AM Wife calls back: "I found a place, I'm faxing them your resume"
11:05 AM Call to wife: "They called me and I'm going to talk to them this afternoon"
3:30 PM Call to wife: "I start on Monday"
I don't know of any other human that decides that they want a new job and 4 hours later have one. He's so funny....
Monday, September 17, 2007
Self diagnosed
This happens alot, I will not feel good or have a werid cramp and my first thought is "Maybe I'm pregnant" Now, I 'm not trying to get pregnant nor am I exactly ready to have another child yet. I believe I've had this condition ever since pregnancy ever became probable. I've never told anyone about it until this weekend. Amber and I went to lunch and I told her about it and she was cracking up at me. I told her that I never tell anyone when I'm thinking these things and I don't go buy a pregnancy test or anything (not all the time anyway ;) ) She said that's what's so weird about it-that I don't tell anyone because I ACTUALLY think I might be pregnant!!
I had my parents over for dinner saturday night and we were sitting around talking and my mom said "Your dad was wondering if there was some kind of announcement or something and that's why you were inviting us over-like one of you was going to have another baby or something" I looked at Amber and she just rolled her eyes (because we had just had this conversation earlier that day) so I told my mom about my condition too, she also laughed at me.
So, I'm not sure what I can do about it but I think admitting it is the first step!!!
I have to go now and take a pregnancy test......
Friday, September 14, 2007
little girl:I can go potty on the toilet
little boy: No you can't
little girl: Yes I can
little boy: No you can't, you go potty in your pants
little girl: I'm a BIG GIRL
little boy: You're not 4
little girl: (silence)
little boy: You're not 4
The teachers weren't really paying attention, I guess they're used to those kind of conversations, I thought it was hilarious.
I got a note on tuesday that Alivia needed wipes. When I got in the car I started thinking, today is only her 5th day at this place and on her first day I brought in a package of 80 wipes-5 days ago. I called up there to clarify that she needed wipes, they said yes because they use them to wipe their hands and face with them sometimes. I'm kind of protesting and I'm not going to bring wipes in until next week. There is not reason she needs to use 80 wipes in two weeks. That's crazy!
I bribed alivia this morning with Jelly Beans, I know that's terrible but I really want her to want to go to daycare. I'm sure she'll get used to it and it will be fine....I hope
Monday, September 10, 2007
Pass the pepto please....
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I knew I was forgetting something
A Few things
After I picked her up last night, we were going to meet my mom at the mall. We had a little bit of time so we ate dinner. She was being really good and we walked around a little bit and then met up with my mom. After awhile I don't know if she was bored or tired or both but she got really crabby and was being a monster. She was not in her stroller and I kept trying to put her back and in and one time she said "I don't yike it" and I said "Well, I don't like it either" We ended up going home, I gave her a bath and she went right to bed. This morning she kept saying "I don't yike it ear, mommy" It took me a few times to figure out she was saying "I don't like it either" I was thinking oh great-hopefully she doesn't say that at daycare today!!
I went to lunch today with Rachel and Alena. We went to Napoli pizza, it's right by my office. We each got a pizza and a salad. My bill was around $10 and hers was around $12. When we got done we went up to pay and their credit card machine wouldn't work so we got free lunch! Sweet!!! I told them we will def go back again-we had been there before. That always makes for a great day!!
I can't wait to pick alivia up tonight to see what her sheet says today!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Make that To-Go please
Happy Anniversary!!
Today is our 3rd Anniversary. We had to celebrate last night because Rob is bowling tonight and tomorrow and I bowl thursday. We went to Bristol's for dinner. It was...ok. That was the theme of the whole dinner. They have sweet biscuits-they were kinda dry and didn't have too much taste. The waitress asked me how they were i said "they're...ok" Then we got clam chowder and she asked again how it was"it's...ok." Rob ordered catfish which came with garlic mashed potatoes. The potatoes were really good but the he said the catfish was...ok. I got a filet and king crab legs. I ordered the steak medium and it was well done but it was tender so I didn't sent it back. The crab legs were amazing and I also got garlic mashed potatoes which were good. I had gotten a cosmo from the bar and they took it off our bill since my steak wasn't cooked right, they also gave us a free dessert since it was our anniversary, the bill was still $83. We def wouldn't go there again but all in all it was..ok. Rob gave me a very nice card this morning and I guess that about sums up our anniversary celebration. After dinner we went to Ashley furniture, he can't find any bedroom sets that he likes. I however, like them all!!
Alivia took a spill down our basement steps last night. She was standing at the top with a baby in one hand and a string cheese in the other, she got her feet tangled up and down she went. She went down most of the way on her feet but the last one ended up on her face. She had a scratch on her arm and her nose is pretty red.
I had another garage sale last weekend, it was the 4th this year. It feels so good to have all of that junk out of the house. I'm getting better as I get older about getting rid of stuff that I'm not using and I make a little bit of money in the meantime.
We're going to perryville this weekend. I think we'll leave saturday and come back sunday. I think the weather is supposed to be really nice too. Rob wants to catch some more fish. I think that's all I got for now...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Here we go again...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
I worked at the State fair on saturday. AAA had a booth there and they asked if anyone wanted to work. I had never been and thought it would be fun. NOT A SINGLE PERSON WOULD GO WITH ME...shame on all of you!! It's all good though, I was worried that it would be too hot but it really wasn't that bad at all. We were under a tent in the shade with two fans blowing. I wish I would have gotten to walk around a little more, there was a TON of stuff to do, I would have loved if Alivia was there. Maybe next year. There were alot of "special" people that came to our booth. I thought the whole mullet thing was dead but oh no, they're alive and kickin in sedalia. I saw several, but the best thing I saw all day was a kid that came to our table he had on the standard state fair attire, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, jeans with holes and a tshirt. As he got closer to the booth, the guy that I was working with noticed that there was a belt buckle on the outside of his tshirt. We were confused. When he got up to the table my co-worker said "Can I ask you a question?" The kid came up and said "What?" my co-worker said "I'm just curious how you got your belt buckle on the OUTSIDE of your shirt" The kid kinda laughed as did all of his friends and he said "There was a hole in my shirt and I figured instead of messing with tucking my shirt in I would use the belt buckle to keep my shirt in place"
He had pulled his belt buckle through the hole in his shirt.... wow.
This is gonna be a busy week, I have my bowling meeting for thursday this week, my purse party is friday, i have to work saturday morning, the st charles festival is this weekend and our sunday bowling league starts this week.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
There's only so many hours in the day dear....
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Ms. Sassy
The other night I said "You need to sit down, you're going to bust your butt" and as usual her response was "no" I said "Why?" she said "Why??? ...Cause!!"
I don't know where she gets this stuff from but she cracks me up.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
sleeping beauty
I took this picture this morning with my cell phone, she looked so cute, sleeping in her big girl bed!! There isn't really too much going on at our house, we are still working on the bathroom. All of the plumbing is done, Rob is working on getting the rest of the drywall down so he can put up the new walls we bought last week. Alivia continues to crack me up every single day. We ordered pizza last night and Rob was downstairs when it came. I said "go tell daddy that the pizza is here and it's time to eat" She stood at the top of the stairs screaming "DADDY... HUNGRY??!...PIZZA" and each time she said it she got louder and louder. It was hilarious. We took Rob's cavalier to get an inspection because the tags are due. It ended up costing $378. I'm pretty sure the car isn't worth that much. That's all I got
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Rob was supposed to be on jury duty today (sorry rachel!!) He wasn't really looking forward to it but he did get to sleep in 3 hours today!! He got ready and drove up there, checked in, and they told him it was cancelled!! He was very excited!! He's going to get his work car inspected and all that good stuff today.
So, I'm not too thrilled about it but I'm going to attempt my fruit diet again-just for a month. We're going on a float trip in just about a month so I figured that was a good incentive. I started yesterday and lost two pounds already!! Rob said he would eat fruit with me at night. I was making a huge fruit plate for dinner last night and I was cutting up strawberries and he said "Can we dip those in chocolate?" I said "YOU can" he hesitated and said "Ok I won't....well I'll try"
That's about it for now.......
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Birthday Madness....
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm trying to call around and confirm everything for the big birthday party on sunday. I'm so excited and the weather is supposed to be nice. This birthday party went from "let's have a combined party for jack and alivia's birthday " to "did you call and confirm the k-9 demonstration!!" it's gotten a little out of hand but it's going to be a blast. It's now officially been 7 days since i've had a/c at my house. You just don't realize what a luxury that is until you don't have it for a week!! Hopefully they will get the part they need today and we can get it fixed today or tomorrow. I know the people at the warranty company and the a/c company hate to hear my voice on the other end of the line. I figure, hey, if i'm sweating, i'm gonna make your life miserable too!! I kept anthony and jack all weekend. alivia and jack got along great and played together all weekend. We went to alex and brady's first baseball game too, which they won by the way. Rob and I went to a cooking class at dierbergs with my mom and dad on saturday night it was a good time and great food. Today is my little sister's bday. I can't believe she is 18. I'm pretty sure she should stay 8 forever. we're going to dinner tonight to celebrate. Amber told her she would get her a tattoo for her bday but she could only get it on her foot because amber doesn't want ashley to have a tattoo on her back for amber's wedding. Who cares what ashley's wants, it's only her body, it is all about amber ya know. I thought that was funny and then ashley asked if amber would get one with her and amber told her no!! Alivia is talking so good, I can't believe it, we can actually have mini conversations with her. This morning I was in her room trying to find some clothes to put on her and she was in my bed and she said "Mommy?" I said "What baby?" she said "where are you?" I said "i'm in your room" she said "okay" I really cannot believe she's gonna be two already.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Day From Hell...
Then we went to home depot to get the part that Rob needed to block the pipe off so we could turn the water back on...they didn't have it. We had to meet my dad over at my sister's house to pick up the tables from the garage sale and return those to Jenny's brother. On the way to his house it started to rain. Then we went to the Home depot in O'Fallon and we found the part we needed. We figured we better stop and get something to eat before we went home because it was getting late. We went to the Bread Co and when we came out my car wouldn't start!!! Luckily it was right across the street from Amber's work so we ran over and took her car, went home, got the jump box and came back to my car. It started right up and we didn't get home till about 9:30. So I guess we need to figure out what the hell is going on with our A/C. I wish our warranty company would just replace it but I guess they figure if they can keep us going for 3 months at a time why bother! I'm crossing my fingers that there are no more tragedies today!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The wishing well....or maybe not
Amber's neighborhood is having a neighborhood garage sale this weekend so we left our stuff set up and will be at it again this saturday.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Garage Sale
This week has been crazy trying to get everything set up. This week of the year is always crazy anyway. Between June 12th and June 20th, we have my mom's bday, my dad's bday, rob's dads bday, and fathers day for my dad, rob's dad and rob's stepdad. It's always a very expensive, very busy week! We're almost through it though!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
brush of bad luck....
me: Hi, I just got a bill for a credit card that I cancelled
mean credit card lady: Yes I see you cancelled your account was paid off on april 27th and cancelled on May 1st.
me: Yes and I received a refund check for the overpayment.
her: Yes, How can I help you
me: Well I paid this off, received a refund check, cancelled the account and I just got a bill for $11
her: Yes, you actually shouldn't have received that check, that was a mistake, your balance is $11
me: Well, since I just paid you guys $5700 do you think you could waive the $11 since the account is cancelled
her: no, ma'am I'm not able to do that at this time
me: Can I speak to a supervisor
her: I'm an account manager.....
me: So I just paid this off and got a refund check and you can't waive the $11
her: you only paid back money you borrowed from us ma'am
me: I just think you should waive this since I received a refund check and cancelled it. It's $11
her: Yes, Ma'am it's $11
I wanted to cuss her out but I just couldn't do it. I wish Amber would have been at my house I would have handed her the phone and let her handle it!!! So then, we leave the house because yesterday was Bryan's birthday and we went out to eat. On the way there, we passed a car on the side of the road with a flat tire, Rob told me to stop because he wanted to help them. We stopped the car and when Rob got out of the car, his cell phone dropped into a sewer that was on the side of the road!!! He went to help the people and got back into the car and started rubbing his head and cussing about dropping his phone into the sewer and looked down and he had black stuff (from the tire) all over his hands and had wiped it all over his face and head.
him: Where are some baby wipes at?
me:....................I don't have any....
him: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?
We managed to find ONE kleenex for him to clean off with. He was so devestated all through dinner about his phone. He just kept saying "I can't believe I lost my phone, I can't believe I lost all my numbers"
We had a nice dinner and went to the mall afterwards to get a new SIM card so I think everything is going better today. Hopefully......
Thursday, May 24, 2007
privacy anyone...
She laid a blanket over the toilet, brought the stroller into the bathroom, and was sitting on the toilet feeding her baby-she cracks me up. This bathroom is pretty small anyway and was pretty hard to get out of the shower with all of this going on-it was too cute though.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Texas here I come
Monday, May 14, 2007
Just another Weekend at the White House...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
just plain scary.....
The picture on the top is AMBER!!!! The picture on the bottom is ALIVIA!!!!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
some many things going on....
Friday, April 27, 2007
Anyhow, it's running like a champ and we're taking it to springfield this weekend so we'll see if it was worth it!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I was watching the news last night and they did a dedication to all of the people that lost their lives in Virgina this week. They showed pictures of the victims and I happened to notice that there was no rhyme or reason the the type of people that were killed, there were women, men, students, teachers, caucasions, african americans, asians, a german teacher, a russian teacher and a french teacher. I just thought that was strange.
I don't really have much else going on, I've been sick for the last two weeks and finally starting to feel better. Things have been a little slow at work but I think they're picking up. I'm writing a HUGE house next week so that makes me happy!!!