Yesterday I'm laying in bed trying to wake up. Like most mornings, I can hear Brayden in the kitchen talking to anyone that will listen. Then I hear something in the bathroom (sounded like the toilet seat got picked up and then dropped) I didn't hear the shower start or the toilet flush so I couldn't figure out what was going on. I got up and opened my door, I looked in the bathroom and Brayden was in there. I look down the hallway and the gate was not on the stairs. I pick him up and I walk into the kitchen-don't see anyone. I look in the living room-noone. I look on the back porch-empty. I'm still half asleep thinking "What the hell is going on? Did he get out of his highchair?!?" I walk downstairs and Amber is asleep in bed. I'm still very confused at this point. Now I'm thinking, did he get out of his crib?!? I walk in Amber's room and wake her up. She wakes up to me standing in front of her holding Brayden. She sits straight up and says "OH MY GOD! I FELL ASLEEP!!" I said "He was upstairs in the bathroom!!"
She had gotten him out of bed and put him in her bed. He climbed off the bed and was playing with his toys and Amber had fallen back asleep. He had crawled up the basement stairs, through the foyer and up the stairs to the living room!!!!!
It's funny how things happen sometimes, because if the gate had been up then he would have turned around and tried to go back downstairs and that could have been bad.
He's such a little monkey!