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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The possessed alarm clock

Two years ago my aunt jill had rob's name for xmas. She asked me what she could get him, I told her that we had an alarm clock that would go off every single day whether it was set or not. So I told her to get him a new one and she did. Well, that one does the same thing. I guess it's not such a bad thing because you don't have to think about setting it-it will go off whether the set alarm button is switched to on or off. So I started to wonder-does this thing go off even when we are out of town? We've never come home to it going off. Now that would be REALLY weird. I asked amber and bryan last night and they said that it does go off when we're not home. So there goes that theory. Am I the only one that this has happened to?!?!? Two alarm clocks in a row with minds of their own-very strange.....

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