About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

These are some pictures I took with my phone. Alivia likes to sit on the couch and watch TV while I get ready for work in the morning. She has to have her milk, some dry cereal in a little bowl, her blanket and the remote. She cracks me up. The other pic is of liv and bray playing on amber's porch. The other day I was in the bathroom getting ready for work and Alivia brought her baby in and said "Mommy, baby, potty" I said "oh, you're baby has to go potty?" She said yes and proceeded to hold her baby over the toilet. A few seconds later she said "good job baby" and flushed the toilet. A few minutes later apparantly the baby had to go potty again so she held her baby over the toilet again and I heard her say "I dot chu baby" (I got you baby) When I hold her I always tell her I got her and won't let her fall. She never ceases to suprise me with the things she picks up from us. She likes to talk on the phone all of a sudden too. She talked to my dad on the phone for about 5 minutes the other day, she was walking around the house with the cordless telling him everything she was doing. It was funny.

1 comment:

The Lenk Family said...

Alena is addicted to the phone too. Everytime it rings she runs into my bedroom to answer it. Its fine when its just Brian, but she will talk to just about anyone whether they want to talk to her or not.