About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Thursday, March 27, 2008

thanks mom

another wacky website


This site calculates the greater risk of eating beef, contracting a rare disease or suffering a heart attack. You'll be suprised by the results!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wacky Web Sites

My mother gave me a page-a-day calendar for xmas. There is a page for every day of the year, each page lists different websites that you can visit. The one from Friday March 14 lists this website and I thought I would share. This is by far the stupidest website I have ever visited, also one of the funniest!!


Select a wet topping and a dry topping and click build it! My favorite is the spaghetti-o's and the barbie doll head!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finding decent childcare is a pain in my ass. I'm going to interview my sister's babysitter this afternoon. Alivia's daycare called AGAIN yesterday saying she had a fever so I needed to pick her up. No big deal...I made her a Dr appt, went straight there from daycare...no fever. imagine that. They did find that she had a mild ear infection in one ear so they gave her some amoxicillin. We got up today, I took her temp, no fever, gave her the medicine and two aspirin *just in case* and headed to daycare. As I'm dropping her off a teacher comes over (not her teacher by the way) and says "oh, since she left with a fever yesterday she can't come back today" this was at 8:45 and I had to be at work, on duty, at 9. She called the director and confirmed and then I stormed out of there like a child. I was PISSED. I understand this rule, I really do, however, it would have been nice if they would have told me this when I picked her up yesterday rather than 15 minutes before I have to be at work. THANK GOD my sister was off today and lives close so I was able to drop her off over there. I hate making this change right now. I can't decide if I want to finish out the week since I've already paid for it or if it works out with amber's babysitter maybe I will start her there tomorrow. They have pissed me off before but I didn't want to pull her out because I really liked her teacher, well her teacher quit last week and I found out the day after so I don't have that keeping me there anymore, I feel bad because she's in love with a little boy there and has made alot of friends, but honestly, I don't remember any of the kids I went to daycare with when I was her age. This is so frustrating.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

isn't it too early for this?

Alivia goes to daycare and there is a little boy in her class that she has come quite attached to. His name is Liam. She has good taste, he's pretty cute!! A few weeks ago I dropped her off and when she saw him, she jumped out of my arms and started following him around. This is when I first started noticing this whole thing. A few days later, I picked Alivia up kind of early and they were just getting up from their naps. Alivia and Liam's cots were next to each other and the teacher told me that Alivia was rubbing his face, the teacher said "what are you doing?" and alivia said "i'm just trying to touch him" Earlier this week Alivia was crabby and didn't want to go daycare so I said "Let's go to daycare and see if Liam is there today" to which she said "He's not your friend mommy, he's my friend" Liam's parents are teachers and were off work yesterday so Liam wasn't there. The teachers said she was sad all day!!! Today, the kids were sitting around a table threading beads. Alivia pulled up a chair next to Liam of course and they were taking turns threading, Liam then said " Livy makes me so happy" CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?
Isn't it too early for this?!?!?!?

Monday, March 03, 2008

Alivia has been in a big girl bed since exactly her 2nd birthday (7 months ago). The first six months went GREAT, she wouldn't get out of her bed for anything, now she won't stay in it. We put her to bed and then she gets up every half hour needing something. I've composed a list of her actual excuses:

I need a drink of water
I need some milk and chocolate
I DON'T WANT to watch (spongebob, oswald, max and ruby, dora...whatever is on at the moment)
I WANT to watch (spongebob, oswald, max and ruby, dora...whatever is NOT on at the moment)
I want some strawberries
I hurt myself
It's scary outside
My (belly, ears, lips) hurt (changes nightly)
and the best one last night was "my feet are broke"

I don't know what to do to keep her in her room. Please help!!