About Me

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I'm 29 and I live in St.Charles with my husband Rob and baby girl Alivia

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Jenny and I thought it would be a great idea to take the babies to the movies last night. We took them to what used to be the $1 show. The admission is now $3!! We took them to see Curious George. It was a mess. The night started off pretty good. We started off with them in our laps and then it turned into, sitting by themselves, standing on our laps, laying down on our laps, sitting on the floor, standing on the floor, facing forward, facing backward, sitting in the chair alone and going back to sitting on our lap. Jenny summed it up by saying "It was very stressful watching Curious George!!" When we were walking out I told her to NEVER invite me to a movie again. I was kidding though. They really were good during the movie, they just didn't watch very much of it!! They sat on the floor for a good amount of time shredding napkins!! They had a great time!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Two Peas in a Pod

Can you tell these two are related? Weirdos..that's all I have to say!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spring Fever!

Rob has spring fever like no other. Last weekend he cleaned out the garage and threw a ton of stuff away. Every night this week he has been working outside, burning stuff and cutting things down. I told him last night he's either way way up or way way down. What I mean is, he either sits on the couch and does NOTHING but get up to go pee or he works like a mad man until the sun goes down. I guess that's good though. He took the fence down around our pool area and cleaned up all the left over leaves, acorns and whatever else. He burned all that stuff last night and took the pool cover off, we folded it up and put it away. He has been moving all of the rocks from the area by the pool and wants to redo it somehow. He cut down a whole line of brush and burned all of that too. It's looking much better and hopefully will be in full working order for Alivia's birthday party in july!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

As I was saying....

Alivia crawled across the living room last night, it's so cute! Then she toppels over. It seems though that she doesn't crawl around just to crawl she will only crawl to someone. I'm sure it won't be too much longer though until she figures out that she is mobile! The other night she rolled over to the coffee table, pulled up onto her knees and starting to pull my party lite centerpiece toward her! Geez, I guess now I have to baby proof and put all my pretty stuff up and get a gate for the stairs. We go to the doctor next friday for her 9 month check up I can't wait to see how much she weighs, at her 6 month appointment she weighed 14 pounds 15 ounces and was 25 inches long. Now she has rolls in her wrists and thighs!! But now that she can crawl maybe she'll work some of that off!